So every day, i'm getting more and more excited to get working on this build!! I have the countdown going until the blitz build starts, i'm ready to take pictures every day of everything thats been done, getting geared up to write up a blog entry every night about the days fun and exciting steps along this journy...
But then I run into a setback that might sideline me for the entire build.
Celulitus A.K.A Staph Infection.
I went to the hospital Monday night after my leg started hurting Monday morning and just got worse throughout the day, sometime Tuesday morning after the most PAINFULL ultrasound i've ever experienced, they told me the final verdict. Since then, i've been in IV Antibiotics, and I have nurses coming in every day to give me more IV Antibiotics. The Blitz build starts in 9 days, and I can't even bare my own weight on my leg. I've been reassured by our mentor that they'll find a way to work around it, but i'm still super dissappointed. I want to say 'I helped build our house!'
I really hope that I can find a way to feel useful during this process, but with my leg hurting as much as it is, i'm not sure if that would be completely feasable.
I will tell you the same thing I always tell my husband: Don't worry things always have a way of working out. Don't allow stress to get to you. Close your eyes and think of the most peaceful place you can. You'll see it will all be ok in the end.