St. Claire College in Windsor did all the prefab for the walls and roof. Not exactly sure why they're doing the roof first, but hey, i'm not a contractor! :)
My lovely wife baked like a mad woman to give the folks from St. Claire's a very filling snack or two. she baked 17 loaves (or loafs, not sure which it is..) of flavoured bread, lots of muffins and cookies... we brought over some fruit as well if they don't want a sugar high. Helina's been plowing through these sweat equity hours with all her baking. We still have a LONG way to go, buti'm sure we can find a way to build them up.
Jeremiah was quite cute when we went to the lot... he sat on the roof of the car waving to

everyone, When he saw the guys IN the roof building, he yelled "HEY, YOU GOTTA CLIMB OUT OF THERE!!"
we've finally found out which house will be ours, when you look straight on the front of the house, ours will be on the right. VERY pumped. We haven't had too much interaction with our neighbours to be, but they seem like very cool people, and I think w
e have a bit in common from what i've experienced with them. Can't wait to move in! won't be long now... the blitz build starts in two weeks! That will be a crazy busy/crazy exhausting/crazy fun two weeks!
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